Wednesday, July 31, 2013

La PS4 comparée à la PS3 en terme de taille

It is almost obvious and yet nobody had thought of yet. Or rather, no one has yet been able to do, because as you know, the PS4 is not yet available for sale. It is simply to compare the size of the two machines, a good way to get an idea of ​​the size of the beast. 

In any case, that's a lot more meaningful than a number x number x number to indicate the size. And immediately notice the true makeover that knows the PS4: it is much thinner than its big sister and a little shorter. And it will return much more easily where gamers want to see.

This video was created by PlayStation Access, which had also made another very interesting video where they recrossed the Sony conference screened to find some functions that we had not heard priori.